Incident Response and Digital Forensics

Our Expertise

Manage and mitigate cyberattacks

Cyber resilience goes beyond preventing or responding to a data breach — it's your organization’s ability to adapt to and recover from a cyberattack. If your organization has a high level of cyber resilience, a cyberattack is much less likely to get in the way of business continuity. That’s where our cybersecurity experts can help. 

We specialize in incident response and digital forensics (often referred to as “cyber forensics”) to investigate and manage cyberattacks and provide guidance to continually enhance your cybersecurity posture. We follow a comprehensive approach to incident response and digital forensics — including legal best practices — to cover every angle and answer any questions you might have.

As we work with your organization, we focus on three considerations: people, process, and technology. Our services are designed to help you manage cybersecurity risks and maintain effective controls, no matter what comes your way. We have nearly 100 dedicated staff members focused on supporting your organization’s cybersecurity endeavors, offering relevant expertise and insights, and bringing significant experience to tackling your incident response and digital forensics needs. We’ll help you meet your business goals and objectives with custom solutions that address complex cybersecurity issues.

Maximize security and respond proactively

Proactive, strategic planning can ready your organization to defend against even the most malicious cyberattacks — and respond with confidence and agility when the time comes. Here’s how we can help:
BCP and DRP development and support
A disaster recovery plan (DRP) is an important component of your business continuity plan (BCP). Plan creation involves understanding the data, applications, and systems that are critical to your business and establishing processes to contain, analyze, and track any incident that occurs. We’ll support development or review and provide feedback on your BCP, DRP, and overall procedures to keep your company secure.
Computer forensics and eDiscovery support
The Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) provides a framework for the recovery and discovery of digital data, including criminal evidence discovery. Our experts will follow a nine-step process to help your organization gather and assimilate electronic data during the legal process by classifying, tagging, and making information searchable to protect your organization from data loss and support litigation.
Digital forensic incident response
Our digital forensics and legal experts will follow our comprehensive process to identify digital evidence for collection, determine a strategy for data collection and preservation, analyze the digital forensic copy, and prepare a summary report that details our findings while also providing litigation support when needed.
Incident response and investigation for cyber events
Does your organization have a comprehensive plan to identify, contain, and recover from cyberattacks? Following our comprehensive six-step incident management process, we’ll investigate any breaches that occur to determine the origin of the attack, when it occurred, and the potential impact zone, and prepare a document summary of the event highlighting lessons learned and updates your organization can make to be better protected in the future.
IRP development
Unsure about how to handle an incident if one unexpectedly arises? We’ll make sure you have an incident response plan (IRP) in place that covers everything from start to finish and helps you take a proactive, strategic approach to incident response.

Digital forensics: What do leaders need to know? Don’t forget this critical piece of incident response planning.


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Client Experience

Keeping you secure, informed, and agile

Our team of forensic experts and cybersecurity consultants are your trusted advisors to handle your most complicated cybersecurity issues. We’ll support any required investigation and management of incidents related to a breach of information security. We offer tailored digital forensic services, supported by our comprehensive incident response and digital forensics frameworks, to provide incident response support that covers all angles and answers all questions.

For more than 30 years, our cybersecurity experts have been collaborating with clients  to support all aspects of cybersecurity. We’ll look at your organization with a holistic view to protect you from the threats you’re aware of and the ones you might not see coming.